Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Ice Castle

My hometown is often criticized for being dull. Residents love to jest about it's lack of, well, everything. Without any sort of entertainment in our town my friends and I are forced to think outside of the box, here is an example of some recent creativity:

The weekend after the epic blizzard of 2011, my friend Eric and his neighbor Josh decided to use the excess snow for something useful, an Ice Castle. They spent the entire day creating the fortress and I was lucky to be invited to their exclusive club. 

aerial view of the interior

Clad in my warmest snow gear, I headed over for a tour as soon as I got off work that night. The castle was fully furnished, had a fireplace, sconces, ample seating and most importantly, a fully stocked refrigerator. As soon as I sat down I posted "I'm partying in an ice castle!" to my facebook status. I have never been so happy to own an iPhone. Who knew that one day we'd be able to status update from inside an igloo... (The status generated over 10 "likes" in a matter of minutes, everyone was jealous.)

A few hours and many ice cold beverages later, we had rosy cheeks and had shared about a million stories. This is about all I can disclose of the conversation, but believe me when I say that I have never laughed so hard in my life.

thanks for reading,