Thursday, September 15, 2011

Home Alone Four

Although I was not at work this week, I did work quite hard! Mom went to the sunny west coast to vacation in California and left me to tend to her studio. (Isn't she lucky that I wasn't busy...) I was doing really well; keeping up with phone calls, scheduling her helpers, teaching classes, until I completely forgot about Wednesday night class! The poor painters were waiting outside the studio for me to let them in but I never showed up! I felt horrible!! And all I had to do was unlock the door... Darn! So sorry painters.

On the bright side, I did finally get to glaze my handmade clay owl. :) I can't wait for him to come out of the kiln! He's so fly... Ok, that was a bad joke... 

I also taught two classes this week. The first was Clay Class for pre-teens, my assignment for them? Letters! Folks, that is what happens when you leave a graphic designer in charge of Clay Class. Guess what letter I made? That's correct, a t! I'll post it when it comes out of the kiln. My students were great and really had fun with the assignment too!

The other class was After School Art, grades K-2. Woah. An hour and a half with six little people is enough for me. High fives to the elementary education teachers! I knew class was not going well when one little boy asked, "what time is art class over?" with a big grin on his face, within the first 15 minutes of class... Not soon enough, kid. Ok I'm kidding, I had more fun than he did - they are just so darn cute! But let's just say, I'm glad mom is coming home tomorrow to relieve me of that duty. My kid quota is good for a while...